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"Building Better Citizens for America"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Busy at Homecoming

Homecoming is a big day at Wade Hampton, and ROTC is totally involved in almost every event. Our color guard starts the football game, and our Saber Team provides the pomp and ceremony for the Homecoming Court. Additionally, our "Helmet Squad" provides tremendous support for the Athletic Department. This year our participation was especially gratifying because our own Ashley Sanford represented her class and served as a great ambassador for ROTC. Good job to all involved

Rifle Team Dazzles Crowd

The Radford Rifles took center-stage at our recent Homecoming Pep Rally. They looked sharp and performed an outstanding routine that had the crowd speechless. Then they cheered! The Radford Rifles is the latest addition to our Special Teams, and they will entertain for years to come.

Health and Wellness Begins

Twenty percent of each cadet's grade is based on participation in the Air Force's Health and Wellness program which follows similar guidelines to the Presidential Fitness program. Cadets have already completed their initial scores on the mile run, push-ups, sit-ups, and lunges. They will test again at the end of the semester to measure progress made. The fitness portion of our program will be supplemented with classes on nutrition, hydration. and other wellness subjects.