Program Overview

ROTC “PILLARS” Citizenship and leadership are the two major focuses in all we do. Our cadets are heavily into community service and beyond. They respond with open hearts and hard work when it comes to helping others. Leadership is reflected in every activity. The cadets learn the fundamentals of good “followership” first - then develop sound leadership principles that will help them succeed in any endeavor.

THE INSTRUCTOR TEAM Since the AFJROTC program was established, the Air Force has actively recruited the most highly qualified officers and non- commissioned officers to serve as instructors in America’s high schools. Applicants are screened and scored according to academic, leadership, management, communicative, and professional skills. Most officer instructors have at least Masters degrees, and most non-commissioned officers have earned Bachelor or Associate degrees. The highest officer rank is Colonel, and the highest enlisted rank is Chief Master Sergeant. By contract, salaries must be comparable to what the instructors earned while on active duty, and the Air Force shares that expense. All instructors are retired but still perform in accordance with Air Force appearance standards, customs, and courtesies. Complete Air Force biographies for the Wade Hampton instructor team are located under “Staff Profiles”.
STUDENT ENROLLMENT Registration for the Air Force Junior ROTC program is open to freshmen through senior classes. During the first year, students receive physical education credit. Additional courses result in elective credit. Cadets may take ROTC all four years if they desire. After the freshman year, selected cadets may be allowed to double-block depending on curriculum availability.
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