Leadership School Photos At Last!
This summer's Converse College Cadet Leadership School was historic for many reasons. The school celebrated its 15th year, and for the first time, two schools trained at once. Colonel Ben Pittman started Converse in 1997 with eight units and 180 cadets. This year 24 high schools and over 400 attended the camp. Additionally, this camp marked the beginning of an Advanced Leadership School aimed at training Cadre for future cadet training. 40 Advanced cadets honed all the skills they would need to fill ANY leadership position next summer. As a result of this effort, CLS gains a valuable pool of Cadre, more cadets received the training that only CLS offers, and every unit with an Advanced cadet gained a valuable leader.
Wade Hampton had a tremendous experience at CLS. Mick Perry brought home a leadership trophy, Derrick Francis received a staff Cadre award, Anthony Nguyen was named an Honor Graduate, and Alston Isaac won the "Iron Man" competition. A lot of personal effort was obvious with each Wade Hampton cadet in attendance. We are extremely proud of them all.