In an effort to get more experience for our freshmen color guard members, we have added a new formation to the standard color guard presentation. A rifle team and saber team now compliment the flag bearers. Look for more ideas in the future as we keep improving the way we run and present our program. MSgtClere works very hard to ensure that our team members get opportunities to perform. We are very proud of the dedication shown by our special teams - especially our freshmen.
The 2010 Greenville County JROTC Military Ball is almost here. Berea AFJROTC, this year's host, has set the date for 20 February at the Embassy Suites Hotel on Verdae Boulevard. The doors will open at 6:15 PM, and the Ball will begin at 6:30 PM. That information is also on your ticket. The following JROTC units will be represented at the event: Berea, Blue Ridge, Carolina, Greenville, Southside, and Wade Hampton. A three-course dinner will be served, and the evening will be complete with military traditions, a coronation ceremony, and dancing. The dress is Sunday dress, cocktail dress, or ball gown for the ladies, and the service dress uniform for male cadets. Civilian male guests should wear coat and tie or suit.
Tickets are on sale for $30 until 1 February from MSgt Clere. No refunds after 2 February. This is a couple's event so cadets must either come alone or bring a guest of the opposite gender - no exceptions. Cadets and guests are reminded that all dancing must be in good taste. Ample chaperons will be in attendance - including school security officers.