On Wednesday, 9 December, Cadet Dean Kroeger was administered the oath of enlistment to begin his military journey in the United States Air Force Reserve. After graduation, he will report to Lackland AFB for Basic Training, then on to technical training. He will be stationed at Pope AFB in North Carolina. His flight joined him for a photo under the new flag in the cafeteria. Congratulations to our newest Air Force member.
After some re-scheduling and a lot of crossed fingers, we were able to travel by chartered bus to McEntire Joint National Guard Base for a day of flying, tours, and good food. The Air National Guard C-130 crew was tremendously supportive and attentive to our cadets. We would like to thank MSgt James Steppe from McEntire for coordinating this educational and motivational event. Each cadet was able to climb into the cockpit and observe Air Force crewmembers in action. We were especially pleased to be able to take Ms. Eva Pyle from WHHS as a chaperon. She also got to fly with us - a real privilege for anyone not affiliated with the Air Force. After the one-hour flight, we were able to see four F-16 aircraft. Then it was off to Columbiana Mall, the food court, and - yes, as always - the merry-go-round. A smooth flight and good time for all.
To all who have worn the uniform of the United States military, Veterans Day is a most special occasion. Our goal this year was to get as many veterans as possible for a dignified ceremony honoring their service. We contacted local veterans groups and focused our efforts on WWII, Korean Conflict, and Vietnam veterans. We were not disappointed, and we were able to welcome over 30 veterans including three WWII and three Korean Conflict veterans. Our color guard, the WHHS chorus, and the entire cadet corps, plus some other classes, made this a day to remember. The highlight of the ceremony was Mr. Radford's announcement that WHHS would establish a Veterans Wall of Honor to ensure that we always placed a special focus on military service. The first honoree for that wall was Brigadier General Wayne Brock, a 1976 WHHS graduate and current Commander of the 359th Signal Brigade at Fort Gordon, Georgia. All in attendance were inspired by his remarks and record of success. His plaque will be dedicated as soon as the "Wall of Honor" is ready.
The Tiger Drill Meet at Clemson University has always been a great place to gain valuable experience in regulation drill. This year was no exception. With a drill team that has almost doubled in size, we were anxious to get experience for as many as possible. Our team performed very well, we enjoyed some Firehouse Subs, and our team gained valuable confidence for the future. Congratulations to all involved!