Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Skating Brings Cadets Together
Friday, October 17, 2008
Homecoming Teams Are Sharp!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
October Calendar
- Uniform wear - any combination.....color guard practice 0700
- Drill team practice 0700
- E2C.....Color Guard at home football game: white pants, red accessories - 1800 show
- Tiger Drill Meet at Clemson University: depart WHHS at 0730
- Sunday
- Drill team practice 0700
- Drill team practice 0700
- Uniform wear - any combination.....color guard practice 0700
- Drill team practice 0700
- E2C
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Columbus Day.....Drill team practice 0700
- Drill team practice 0700
- Uniform wear - any combination....color guard practiec 0700
- Drill team practice 0700
- Teacher in service.....color guard at home football game: white pants, red accessories
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Teacher in-service
- Drill team practice 0700
- Uniform wear - any combination.....color guard practice 0700
- Drill team practice....Red Ribbon Week begins.....Skating Party permission slips due
- E2C
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Drill team practice 0700.....Eastside Week begins
- Drill team practice 0700.....Skating Party: leave WHHS at 1615 hrs
- Uniform wear - any combination (may change due to Eastside Week activities)
- Drill team practice 0700
- E2C.....Eastside football game, color guard in white pants, red accessories.....Halloween
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Tiger Drill Meet: October 4, 2008
One of the first events of the year is the Clemson University ROTC "Tiger Drill Meet" which takes place in the shadows of Death Valley. A dozen precision drill teams from NC, SC, and Georgia gather to compete in an atmosphere of patriotism and good spirit. Complete with ceremonies honoring our colors and superb judging from Clemson's Detachment 770, the nationally famous Pershing Rifle Drill Team, and the Tiger Platoon Drill Team, the event is a special way to start the drill team season. We thank all involved for hosting and providing such a wonderful setting and a professionally run drill competition. Wade Hampton High School was well-represented by its Air Force Junior ROTC department. The following articles tell our story of TDM 2008.
Special Thanks To Our Parents
Our cadets worked really hard to get ready for the Tiger Drill Meet. But what we didn't expect was such tremendous support from our parents. As soon as we got off the bus, the parents had a long table set up with donuts, coffee, and hot chocolate. All through the day, they provided the cadets with water, drinks, and snacks. They also prepared an elaborate lunch with all the trimmings. We were all amazed - and so appreciative. So we are passing along a very special "thank you" to the Littles, the Bracewells, the Cossels, Mr. Bruns, Amanda's Grandmother, the Hoopers, and many others that I will recognize as soon as I get all the names. You were all wonderful to us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
Awards Make the Hard Practice "Sweet"
Armed Teams Made Us Proud
Two SC954 Cadets Claim First Place
SC-954 Wins In Inspection
Color Guard Performs Superbly
The Wade Hampton color guard "nailed" their commands from Cadet Captain Summer Hinton in front of Clemson Pershing Rifle judges. We thought they looked the best of all the schools as they displayed and carried our Nation's and State's colors. Color Guard judging is very exacting, and the smallest error can separate many teams who are otherwise awesome. And ours was just that - awesome!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Color Guard Debuts New Uniform