Military Ball Around the Corner
The dress for male cadets will be the service dress uniform (suit coat and tie) with medals if they have them. Male cadets will not wear tuxedo shirts or bow ties with the uniform. Male guests of female cadets must wear suit or coat and tie. Black tuxedos are also permitted for non-cadet males. No tennis shoes may be worn to the Ball. Female cadets may wear Sunday dress, cocktail dress, or ball gown. At least one strap must be visible on the dress. Dresses that are too revealing will not be permitted into the ballroom. We will also not tolerate vulgar dancing of any sort - either cadets or guests. Cadets or escorts who violate these policies will be escorted from the Ball.
At intermission, we will introduce seniors who are attending, and we will crown our king and queen as well as princes and princesses. This year we will have a true ball experience with heavy horsdeuvers (and two chocolate fountains). Keep checking the web site after the Ball for some great pictures. BTW, there will be a photographer taking pictures for interested cadets. The packages start at $22 and we have posted a price list for cadets attending. Cadets will need to pay before pictures are taken, and pictures are normally returned within three weeks. But this is between the cadet and the photographer. We do not get any revenue in ROTC nor are we involved in the process other than passing out the packages when they are returned.
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