Inspection Results Are In

FACILITIES: The unit enjoys superb facilities. Since the previous inspection, the hallway has been decorated in a highly visible and professional manner. Displays, photographs, and large blue AFJROTC letters lead one to the area. The classroom is also newly decorated with AF wall murals and aircraft models.
CURRICULUM: The senior instructor and Principal are working closely together to develop new AFJROTC blended curriculum in accordance with Air Force Headquarters guidance. The curriculum will offer more courses and academically strengthen existing courses. Honors courses are being proposed for academically advanced cadets. The senior instructor implemented a new war-gaming exercise that teaches national policy and organization realistically to his global studies cadets. He coordinated the exercise with Headquarters Curriculum Division and received praise from them for his innovative approach.
CITIZENSHIP: Cadets engage in an exceptional level of school and community support. Among their many service projects are: a very active Adopt-a-Soldier program to send care packages to troops in Afghanistan, a “buddy" program for the Miracle League for autistic children, support for Camp Spearhead for disabled children, Adopt-a-Highway, Salvation Army food drives, community and school color guards "anytime, anywhere". Cadets are well on their way to surpassing last year's community service total of over 3000 hours.
CADET PERFORMANCE: I observed zero grooming or uniform violations. Cadet uniform wear was among the best I have observed this year. Cadets carry themselves with pride. They are uniformly courteous and friendly to each other, their instructors, and their guests. Cadets have completely revised their chain of command and implemented new functions to incorporate the concepts of standardization and evaluation at all levels of the corps.
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